Wednesday, 17 December 2014

Detachment ...

Wednesday, 17 December 2014

"How are you to imagine anything if the images are always provided for you?Doublethink. To deliberately believe in lies, while knowing they’re false. Examples of this in everyday life: “Oh, I need to be pretty to be happy. I need surgery to be pretty. I need to be thin, famous, fashionable.” Our young men today are being told that women are whores, bitches, things to be screwed, beaten, shit on, and shamed. This is a marketing holocaust. Twenty-four hours a day for the rest of our lives, the powers that be are hard at work at dumbing us to death. So to defend ourselves, and fight against assimilating this dullness into our thought processes, we must learn to read. To simulate our own imagination, to cultivate our own consciousness, our own belief systems. We all need skills 
to defend, to preserve our own minds.”
-the wonderful Adrien brody 
Detachment (2011) 

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Wednesday, 10 December 2014

A little bit of everything

Wednesday, 10 December 2014
 Hello blog,
             It has been a while since I last posted one of those personal post or any post for that matter. Finals week is right around the corner so I tried to up my game and study more but since this horrible cold I caught last week won't go away, studying is not exactly easy neither is breathing.

Today was a bit of a rough day for me. It's december the 10th , four years ago in this exact same day my grandma died. Let's just say that was, is and will always be one of the hardest things I had to go through.

You see, my grandma and I were very close, home was where ever she was  and losing  left a huge hole in my heart. So on every december the 10th I allow my self to grief, but once the day is over I move on . Not that I forget her or anything - because that's impossible- I just know that she wouldn't want me to be sad but happy , she would want me to go after what I want and that's exactly what I'm doing.

So yeah rest in peace granny I love you and miss you more and more everyday.

On a brigther note , Who is ready for christmas ! I know I am. I have been listening to my favourite christmas song all day.

I know this post was all over the place but please bear with me for two more weeks. Finals will be over and I'll have gotten rid of this horrible cold (hopefully).By the way I was thinking about doing a tag post. Can anyone please recommend some good ones ?

 Remember to stay positive and do more of what makes you happy.



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Sunday, 7 December 2014

Advice of the day

Sunday, 7 December 2014

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Sunday, 30 November 2014

How to : Survive a sick day

Sunday, 30 November 2014

Hello blog,

These past two day were sick days for this little girl. I spent all my time coughing my lungs out,watching hours and hours of Tv shows and sleeping.

I had a lot of things to do but since I felt like I was run over by a bus, I was  perfecty okay with sitting in my own filth of germs doing nothing but beeing sick . The only good thing that came up from this horrible experience (that hasn't ended yet) is me getting inspired to write this blog post which is not bad at all .

So here are some tips to get you through your sick days .I hope you guys don't have to use these anytime soon .


So first things first : TV marathons 

Choose your favourite show/shows or movies and do some binge watching . You may find a  good marathon on Tv but if not (which is always the case) the internet is always here for you.

As you can already tell the shows  I chose to watch are : OITNB and Orphan black. (I'm dying to watch the upcoming seasons.)

 Tip number two :

What I like to do when I am sick is to always stay warm and that includes a fluffy, warm blanket / blankets and my favourite hot drinks. If you're too sick to make one yourself use you're new found (sexy) raspy voice to convince your significant other  (in case you have one) to make if for you . If not just make your sibling do it .  

 Tip number three :

This is a classic thing that  everyone does when they are sick  and it's making chicken soup. It's a life saver . It makes your throat feel better and makes you feel warmer.

So make sure you have a lot of it stocked up , if not use the raspy voice again. It always comes in handy.

 Tip number four :

Keep water and medicine close at all times this cuts out on the amount of times you have to get out of bed and drag your feet to the kitchen or the bathroom. Which becomes the hardest thing when you can't stop coughing.

 Tip number five :

Keep all your electronics charged and  close to you . As an internet addict I find this tip the most important .There is no way you can sleep away all the sickness ,so there no better way to kill times then to watch you favoutite shows/ youtubers (tip number one), read some of your favourite blogs and talk to friends than the interwebs.  

That my friends is the way I handle my sick days ! 

Remember to  stay positive and do more of what makes you happy .

Don't forget to wach your hands  and I'll see you very very soon 


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Thursday, 27 November 2014

Tuesday, 25 November 2014


Tuesday, 25 November 2014
It's 2014
~Women should have rights to their bodies
~Gender roles shouldn’t exist
~We should understand that rape can happen to ANYONE and it is NEVER the victim’s fault
~Men shouldn’t feel ashamed of having emotions
~No human should be valued over another human
~If you murder someone you should go to jail. Especially, if you murdered an unarmed teenager.

I don't get how people choose not to understand/ignore this.


Monday, 24 November 2014

Monday, 24 November 2014
I want to be around people that do things. I don’t want to be around people anymore that judge or talk about what people do. I want to be around people that dream and support and do things.
— Amy Poehler

Tuesday, 18 November 2014

The return

Tuesday, 18 November 2014
Hello blog,

It has been nearly ten days since I last posted something, and I honestly feel very bad about it.

Life has been very hard on yours truly. With all the essays and oral presentations due very soon added to the pilled up stress, I have found myself in a never ending circle of painful headaches and self blaming.

So I took the decision to take a little break from blogging and the internet in general just so I can take care of basically everything else. But I'm back now !

Me talking a break doesn't mean that I have stopped writing  (like that could ever happen). I have wbeen writing quite a lot and I'm so excited to share it all with you.

For the posting delay!

Remember to  stay positive and do more of what makes you happy .

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Sunday, 9 November 2014

Inspiration ...

Sunday, 9 November 2014


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Saturday, 8 November 2014

Serial ??

Saturday, 8 November 2014
Hello blog ,

Yesterday I went to the National museum of modern art in Rabat with one of my best friends and I honestly had the most amazing time there. I basically walked around for two and a half hours looking at beautiful art, I loved it .

Because of all the walking and talking that happened I decided that today was going to be a well deserved duvet day. So whilst I was scrolling down my facebook homepage (or whatever it's called)
I came across an article about this podcast named "Serial". As a natural reflex I went ahead and clicked on the article , read it,  googled the podcast , downloaded its seven episodes and binge listened them  like a crazy person . Needless to say , I'm hooked.

What is it bout this murder-mystery podcast that makes it so gripping you may ask. Well Serial is a weekly podcast that revisits the murder of  the high school student Hae Min Lee  and the man who was convicted of kiling her . Each week journalist Sarah Koenig Takes us listeners along with her as she investigates the crime in an attempt to sort out what really happened .

The big question is : Is Adnan Syed guilty of killing Hae Min Lee ??  

When I started listening to the podcast I didn't expect it to be as intense as it actually is , because we're not talking about fictional events or characters . These are real people . A real person got her life taken away at the age of 18 and her ex-boyfriend was convicted of murder. Anyway I don't want to give too much spoilers in case you guys haven't listened to it yet.

But let me tell you something if you are into mystery/murder this is just the right thing for you.

Warning ! It is addictive and it can drive you carzy just like Sarah Koenig said in an interview :

" I might still be insane , but at least my listeners are now crazy with me "

If you haven't listened to the podcast yet and you want to you can check it out here. If you already did, do you think adnan did it ? if not who do you think murdered Hae Min Lee ?
I pesonally think Adnan is innocent , Jay and Jen sound like the criminals to me but then you never know.

This is it for today , I hope you're having a nice day where ever you are.

Remember to  stay positive and do more of what makes you happy .

Social media links :   twitter , facebook  , bloglovin

Tuesday, 4 November 2014

Social media

Tuesday, 4 November 2014
Hello blog ,

Yesterday was one of the most productive day I have ever had in a while now.
I set up all the social media stuff for my blog which I have been putting off for a while now.

But it's finally done  !

So please check out all of my social media . Follow me on twitter , like my facebook page , follow me on bloglovin' or maybe send me an e-mail. It would mean the world to me.

So Remember to do more of what makes you happy , I love you  and I'll see you very very soon.


Monday, 3 November 2014

Addicted to the internet ??

Monday, 3 November 2014
Hello blog,

It has been ages since I've written this kind of post. And since I just came back from uni and have loads of work to do , why not write it right now and not get any thing else done .

This past week has been nothing but exhausting for me . All I wanted to do was to have a proper good night of sleep, but everytime I try something magicaly happens and I end up being awake all night. Which is not so good if you have to be up by 6.

But on the bright side,I got loads of things done. I re-decorated my room (finally),did some writing and overall  was very active although I was lacking sleep (Thank you Coffee , I love you )

I have been trying to do more things with my days instead of just going to school , coming back home and sitting on my laptop all evening and night. So I decided to join my local gym (Whaat) . Yes you heard it right I am joining the gym. I just think that it will give me more motivation to get up and get things done.

How did I come up with this decision? you may ask .well It just hit me the other day whilst I was watching a movie. I realized that my addiction to the internet is a bit out of control ( and by a bit I mean a lot ) .  I love being online but I have been litteraly doing two things with my life : school and internet. To be honest it is starting to stress me out . 

So yes I have a problem I am addicted to the internet and I get sick when my wifi  is down but I'm trying my best to switch off a little bit  because this life style I'm leading isn't exactly the healthiest, is it ...

How about you guys ! Is anyone of you bound by WIFI ? have you ever tried to shake things up ? If yes did it work out well ? 

That's all I have for you today . I hope all of you are having a nice day .

Don't forget to follow me on bloglovin' or subscribe to the e-mail list or both I don't mind.

Remember to do more of what makes you happy , I love you  and I'll see you very very soon.


Saturday, 1 November 2014

Saturday, 1 November 2014
And sometimes it sucks. And sometimes you’ll look in the mirror and hate what’s staring back of you, and cut off all your hair because you’ve wanted it to do it forever, and why not now? And some days you’ll roll over and snuggle up to the person closest to you - the person that you really care about, and you’ll feel like everything you went through in the world was worth it… just to be in that moment. And everybody gets there, and even when it’s the hardest times and you feel like you will not make it - you will. I mean, I did. And look at me now.
                               — Kaitlyn Alexander (x)

"You've got too much soul to be handled by someone who has never been passionate"


Monday, 27 October 2014

I'm new here !

Monday, 27 October 2014
Hello blog,

I know that most difficult thing in the entire process of doing new things or meeting new people is to introduce yourself because you know a lot about yourself, but then you don't know where to to start or what to choose from, You have to present the person you are in just a couple of sentences which is not fair.

well I'm going to try anyway I am youssef amir ,one of a kind. Not an alien but surely not a human . I love being my self and I am obsessed with discovering new things. I write and I make music it's what I love. I am studying economics and English. 
So this is me, simple as blank and mysterious as magic ink . When khaoula first asked me to guest blog for her I didn't know what to write about so I decided to simply talk. 

Letting it all out is what I'm doing today .

Well it is kind of hard  to express what we are feeling or thinking about especially if the person is an introvert .But sometimes we just get to the degree where it's all to much and we just need  to let everything out maybe  to friends , good listeners, or simply people who don’t care at all .
When it comes to me I choose to do it on the internet, for complete stranger to read. So here I am sitting  in front of my computer trying to  gather my scattred ideas and thoughts in the form of a post and praying it actually makes  sense.

Over the past 8 years or so , I’ve seen the best of things and the worst of them. I was extremely happy and very sad . I was in perfect health and I had my sick days .
 What I have learned along  the way is  that life is not as fair as they tought us in school , you have to fight through bad thing and enjoy good things . I believe in destiny very very much , but those terrible times sometimes win and affect the way I look at life.

You see awhile ago I had an accident that lead to an injury on my left eye and that was my worst nightmare.It is still hunting me until today. 

Before I had the accident  I felt like I'm following my own rules  only. it was just me against the world ,but after everything that happend I felt like giving up .
The good news is that it didn't last for long ,after getting my wake-up call , I  realized that I cannot change the past  , there is no power in the entire univers that can . So I just picked up my good life from where I last left it and moved on.

Yes I know bad things happens that's a fact and we should get over it. 

Now I feel better about myself , I am discovering new things whithin me,and I am so proud of ME.
I thank God everyday for showing me the right path , and giving me the chance to meet  great people that I am so proud of having in my life ,

This was kind of long (sorry) I just want to thank the person I am writing these lines for,for inviting me she is really one of  the best people and the closest one to my heart . I am so lucky to be her friend. Thank you for giving me this opportunity and thank you for being in my life.

So this is today's post guys ! 

As khaoula says I hope you have a nice morning, afternoon or evening where ever you are.

Don't forget to follow this lovely lady on bloglovin' or subscribe to the email list I'll appreciate it very much.

Remember to embrace who you are , do more of what makes you happy and I hope I'll see  you very very soon.

                                                            Youssef Amir

Sunday, 26 October 2014

Guest blogging !

Sunday, 26 October 2014

Hello blog,

Today I have some exciting news. One of my favourite people in the world had agreed to write a post on here and I couldn't be happier.

So I've heard of this guest blogging thing for a while now ,and since I have started my blog just a while I never really thought about it. But it's happening.

He is guest blogging for me and I am gonna be doing the same on his blog very soon. I have read the article and believe me there are some good stuff coming your way.

If anyone else is interested on guest blogging on "shared thoughts" or want me to guest blog for them please contact me as soon as you can.

I hope you have a great morning, afernoon or evening where ever you are

Don't forget to do more of what makes you happy and I'll se you very very soon !


Saturday, 25 October 2014

Things to remember.

Saturday, 25 October 2014
    Hello blog,
    Here is a little piece of advice for you.

    1. Learn to put on your bracelets and zip up your dresses by yourself. There will be times when you will be alone.
    2. Get on a long plane ride. Look out the window. Understand the immensity of our world. Understand your insignificance. Understand your absolute importance.
    3. Press the send button. If you don’t say it now, you never will.
    4. Do not sneer at happiness or roll your eyes at sadness. Be aware that apathy is not healthy.
    5. You are more than the amount of people who want to have sex with you.
    6. That pit in your stomach when he/she doesn’t text you back, it shouldn’t be there. No one should be able to control you like that.
    7. Shopping is cathartic. Buy the shoes and deal with one-ply toilet paper for a while.
    8. It will get better, but it will never be perfect. Learn to live through the small moments of happiness. When they disappear, remember they will resurface.
    9. I promise that cookie will not change anything (except that it will make you smile).
    10. Please, please, take care of yourself. You are everything to somebody. You are everything to your self. That alone is enough.

    I hope you have a nice morning,afternoon or evening where ever you are.

    Don't forget to follow me on bloglovin' or subscribe to the e-mail list or both I don't mind.
    Remember to do more of what makes you happy and I'll see you very very soon.

    The life of an introvert. © 2014