Hello blog ,
Yesterday I went to the National museum of modern art in Rabat with one of my best friends and I honestly had the most amazing time there. I basically walked around for two and a half hours looking at beautiful art, I loved it .
Because of all the walking and talking that happened I decided that today was going to be a well deserved duvet day. So whilst I was scrolling down my facebook homepage (or whatever it's called)
I came across an article about this podcast named "Serial". As a natural reflex I went ahead and clicked on the article , read it, googled the podcast , downloaded its seven episodes and binge listened them like a crazy person . Needless to say , I'm hooked.
What is it bout this murder-mystery podcast that makes it so gripping you may ask. Well Serial is a weekly podcast that revisits the murder of the high school student Hae Min Lee and the man who was convicted of kiling her . Each week journalist Sarah Koenig Takes us listeners along with her as she investigates the crime in an attempt to sort out what really happened .
The big question is :
Is Adnan Syed guilty of killing Hae Min Lee ??
When I started listening to the podcast I didn't expect it to be as intense as it actually is , because we're not talking about fictional events or characters . These are real people . A real person got her life taken away at the age of 18 and her ex-boyfriend was convicted of murder. Anyway I don't want to give too much spoilers in case you guys haven't listened to it yet.
But let me tell you something if you are into mystery/murder this is just the right thing for you.
Warning ! It is addictive and it can drive you carzy just like Sarah Koenig said in an interview :
" I might still be insane , but at least my listeners are now crazy with me "
If you haven't listened to the podcast yet and you want to you can check it out
here. If you already did, do you think adnan did it ? if not who do you think murdered Hae Min Lee ?
I pesonally think Adnan is innocent , Jay and Jen sound like the criminals to me but then you never know.
This is it for today , I hope you're having a nice day where ever you are.
Remember to stay positive and do more of what makes you happy .
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