“My wish for you is that you continue. Continue to be who and how you are, to astonish a mean world with your acts of kindness. Continue to allow humor to lighten the burden of your tender heart.”
— Maya Angelou
RIP Maya Angelou a trailblazing poet , civil rights activist , historian , feminist leader ... and the person who inspired me the most . You DEFINITELY made a Lot of us women proud to spell our names W.O.M.A.N . Your beautiful soul and legacy will live on and you will truly be missed .
It's a sad day when you realize that your heroes are not immortal after all , but Thank you Maya Angelou . Thank you for all the inspiration and for having such a profound impact on my life , and the lives of many others .
"People will forget what you said , people will forget what you did , but people will never forget how you made them feel"