Monday, 27 October 2014

I'm new here !

Monday, 27 October 2014
Hello blog,

I know that most difficult thing in the entire process of doing new things or meeting new people is to introduce yourself because you know a lot about yourself, but then you don't know where to to start or what to choose from, You have to present the person you are in just a couple of sentences which is not fair.

well I'm going to try anyway I am youssef amir ,one of a kind. Not an alien but surely not a human . I love being my self and I am obsessed with discovering new things. I write and I make music it's what I love. I am studying economics and English. 
So this is me, simple as blank and mysterious as magic ink . When khaoula first asked me to guest blog for her I didn't know what to write about so I decided to simply talk. 

Letting it all out is what I'm doing today .

Well it is kind of hard  to express what we are feeling or thinking about especially if the person is an introvert .But sometimes we just get to the degree where it's all to much and we just need  to let everything out maybe  to friends , good listeners, or simply people who don’t care at all .
When it comes to me I choose to do it on the internet, for complete stranger to read. So here I am sitting  in front of my computer trying to  gather my scattred ideas and thoughts in the form of a post and praying it actually makes  sense.

Over the past 8 years or so , I’ve seen the best of things and the worst of them. I was extremely happy and very sad . I was in perfect health and I had my sick days .
 What I have learned along  the way is  that life is not as fair as they tought us in school , you have to fight through bad thing and enjoy good things . I believe in destiny very very much , but those terrible times sometimes win and affect the way I look at life.

You see awhile ago I had an accident that lead to an injury on my left eye and that was my worst nightmare.It is still hunting me until today. 

Before I had the accident  I felt like I'm following my own rules  only. it was just me against the world ,but after everything that happend I felt like giving up .
The good news is that it didn't last for long ,after getting my wake-up call , I  realized that I cannot change the past  , there is no power in the entire univers that can . So I just picked up my good life from where I last left it and moved on.

Yes I know bad things happens that's a fact and we should get over it. 

Now I feel better about myself , I am discovering new things whithin me,and I am so proud of ME.
I thank God everyday for showing me the right path , and giving me the chance to meet  great people that I am so proud of having in my life ,

This was kind of long (sorry) I just want to thank the person I am writing these lines for,for inviting me she is really one of  the best people and the closest one to my heart . I am so lucky to be her friend. Thank you for giving me this opportunity and thank you for being in my life.

So this is today's post guys ! 

As khaoula says I hope you have a nice morning, afternoon or evening where ever you are.

Don't forget to follow this lovely lady on bloglovin' or subscribe to the email list I'll appreciate it very much.

Remember to embrace who you are , do more of what makes you happy and I hope I'll see  you very very soon.

                                                            Youssef Amir

Sunday, 26 October 2014

Guest blogging !

Sunday, 26 October 2014

Hello blog,

Today I have some exciting news. One of my favourite people in the world had agreed to write a post on here and I couldn't be happier.

So I've heard of this guest blogging thing for a while now ,and since I have started my blog just a while I never really thought about it. But it's happening.

He is guest blogging for me and I am gonna be doing the same on his blog very soon. I have read the article and believe me there are some good stuff coming your way.

If anyone else is interested on guest blogging on "shared thoughts" or want me to guest blog for them please contact me as soon as you can.

I hope you have a great morning, afernoon or evening where ever you are

Don't forget to do more of what makes you happy and I'll se you very very soon !


Saturday, 25 October 2014

Things to remember.

Saturday, 25 October 2014
    Hello blog,
    Here is a little piece of advice for you.

    1. Learn to put on your bracelets and zip up your dresses by yourself. There will be times when you will be alone.
    2. Get on a long plane ride. Look out the window. Understand the immensity of our world. Understand your insignificance. Understand your absolute importance.
    3. Press the send button. If you don’t say it now, you never will.
    4. Do not sneer at happiness or roll your eyes at sadness. Be aware that apathy is not healthy.
    5. You are more than the amount of people who want to have sex with you.
    6. That pit in your stomach when he/she doesn’t text you back, it shouldn’t be there. No one should be able to control you like that.
    7. Shopping is cathartic. Buy the shoes and deal with one-ply toilet paper for a while.
    8. It will get better, but it will never be perfect. Learn to live through the small moments of happiness. When they disappear, remember they will resurface.
    9. I promise that cookie will not change anything (except that it will make you smile).
    10. Please, please, take care of yourself. You are everything to somebody. You are everything to your self. That alone is enough.

    I hope you have a nice morning,afternoon or evening where ever you are.

    Don't forget to follow me on bloglovin' or subscribe to the e-mail list or both I don't mind.
    Remember to do more of what makes you happy and I'll see you very very soon.


    Monday, 20 October 2014

    Need some good advice ? you're in the right place

    Monday, 20 October 2014
    Hello blog !

    I miss being online all time but I'm in university all day long which leaves me no time to write a proper post for you today. So I decided to share something I encountered in my recent internet travels, something that motivated me and put a smile on my face , in hope it has the same effect on you .

    Here it is :

    1. Who you are now is not who you will be in 10 years. It is okay to be somebody new 10 minutes from now. We are always learning. We are always growing. If you realized 10 seconds ago that you don’t like who you are, shed your skin, retry, replant yourself in good soil.
    2. Cleaning is instant therapy. When your brain is muddy, take a shower, wash your hands, change your clothes. Spend 15 minutes straightening your living room. When you are angry, scrub things. I know it’s crazy but it works instantly.
    3. Forgive someone’s debt if it’s under 50 dollars, forgive the small things, give a little time to yourself and forgive the big things too. Forgiveness isn’t about the other person, it’s about you. That being said - if someone ever hurts you in a way that would make me cry to know, you get out of there, my love. You just get up and go.
    4. Gum karma is real and if you spit out a piece in public expect to find some on your shoe in the future. Same goes for insults and harsh judgement, too.
    5. Do what you love and the money will follow.
    6. Live your life with an open palm and give as much as you can and as often. At some point in your life, someone will lend you 50 bucks when you’re down on your luck. Remember how that feels. Remember to give that back.
    7. Always wear clean underwear. You’ll thank me later.
    8. There is a difference between being kind and being passive and there are those who cannot see that difference. They will try to walk all over you. Never bend your knees for those who do.
    9. Have faith. Have faith in god or people or yourself or science or in luck or in all of the above. Faith is what keeps us going, faith is what keeps us strong.
    10. Pay your bills on time whenever you can, although money is nothing. Remind yourself that.
    11. Do not forget you were once ignorant of all you know now. Be patient of anyone who hasn’t had the education you have. Speak at the level of the person you are with - it’s not playing dumb, it’s being considerate. There’s no reason to make them feel uncomfortable. Plus then when someone starts going off about their superior IQ, you can cut them to pieces and watch their face when you do.
    12. You are the best person in the room for one particular thing, and that’s confidence. You are the worst person in the room for another thing, and that’s humility. Use both carefully.
    13. Never make fun of someone’s beliefs or superstitions, let your kid keep their imaginary friend and let your best buddy believe in knocking on wood. We all have security blankets. Don’t take away someone else’s.
    14. Try to learn something new every day.
    15. The worse you look, the more likely you are to run into someone you know so instead of feeling awkward, learn to be confident in sweats while talking to your friends.
    16. Never go to bed angry, it will ruin your sleep and make tomorrow even harder. Find a way to relax. Don’t let today get to your head.
    17. Think before you speak. When someone says something, mull over their words before answering. This is called listening, it is different than hearing.
    18. What keeps love beautiful is that there’s risk involved. If he breaks your heart and it doesn’t hurt, it wasn’t love in the first place.
    19. Never let someone else determine who you are or how happy. You are too strong to be torn apart.
    20. I love you, even when we are fighting, even when I am fast asleep. Don’t doubt it for an instant. You are my everything.

    I just honestly love this so much and I hope you enjoy it too . New posts are coming your way very very soon .

    I hope you have a nice day, afternoon or evening where ever you are.

    Don't forget to follow me on bloglovin' or subscribe to the email list I'll appreciate it very much.

    Remember to embrace who you are , do more of what makes you happy and I'll see you very very soon.


    Saturday, 18 October 2014

    High sensitivity ??

    Saturday, 18 October 2014

    Hello blog ,

    I'm back to regular posting again, and today I'm going to be writing about something I had all my life but I didn't know existed until last year. It is called high senstivity.

    How did you find out you were a highly sensitive person you may ask imaginary half of this conversation. Well let me explain ,last summer whilst I was packing to go on vacation , I was reading some random articles online (how do you pack and read at the same time don't even ask  ) and I came across this questionnaire. A few clicks later I found the work of psychologist and researcher Dr. Elaine Aron about the "Highly sensitive person" (HSP)  and everything fell into place.

    I finally found the explanation for the over reflection ,the unheatlthy perfectionism, all the worrying about how other people feel and just wanting to be alone in a quit place .

    So first things first :

    What is sensitivity ?

    Sensitivity is your ability to pick up on sensory information with your nervous system . It is neutral . It is like a sensitive microphone ,it picks upon subtle sounds . Not good or bad.

    Your sensitive nervous system can pick up on other people's emotions , the weather , lighting , sounds , smells ... and enable your body to process it with your thoughts , feeling , emotions and actions.

    For a HSP the nervous system picks up much much more information from the outside world so HSPs are way more aware of what's around them which makes them easily overwhelmed by everything . 

    As far as I am concerned the worst thing about being a HSP is that I am not shy at all when I am around people I have spent a certain period of time with . My brain works like this : when I meet someone it doesn't matter how much time I've known them for , it doesn't matter if they were family , friends or  if they knew my deepest darkest secrets . If I haven't seen you in a while I'm going to be extremely shy and awkward in the first hour or so of our meeting but after that I am a completely different person  . Which is really bad because I want to talk to people and catch up with them and all as much as I possibly can ,but my brain just doesn't seem to want the same thing. It confused me a lot in the past and it still is.

    I have said to myself over and over that this is way more than just being shy . Do I have some kind of double personality or what ? what is wrong with me ? It's like the person I think I am ,the person  I know I am is not able to flow to the surface for the rest of the world to see which sucks very much !

    I don't quite know how to live with HS yet  .When I am with others I have an analysis of life rather than an experience of life. When alone , my life is deep , vivid and rich . Or at least that's how I see it.

    What I learned from all this situation so far is that no ones know how to live, you cannot plan every minute of your life you just have to go live it . So yes I feel more deeply , I'm very emotional , I take things very personally , I prefer to do things alone , I cry very easily , I take ages to make a decision and I have a hard time turning my brain off at night. But that's who I am and I am still learning how to live with it.

     So this is it for today I hope you have a pleasant morning,afternoon or evening where ever you are.
    Don't forget to follow me on bloglovin' or subscribe to the e-mail update.

    Remember ! don't be afraid to show your true colours , embrace who you are and do more of what makes you happy and I'll see you next time .

                                                                    Khaoula .A

    Wednesday, 15 October 2014

    Update !

    Wednesday, 15 October 2014
    Hello blog ,

    I had the busiest couple of days ever ,trying to get used to going to uni again after a long summer is never an easy thing. But it has been quite fun meeting all of my school friend and catching up with everyone.

    I'll go back to posting regulary next week, I promise .But for now I'll leave you with something I found on the tumblr blog The light knight, that I love very very much .



    Apologies For not posting again.

    I hope you have a pleasant morning/ afternoon or evening where ever you are .

    Don't forget to follow me on bloglovin' or subscribe to my blog by e-mail  (the link is in the get updated section)  .

    Remember to do more of what makes you happy and I'll see you next time .

                                                              Love Khaoula.A

    Sunday, 12 October 2014

    20 facts abouts me !

    Sunday, 12 October 2014
    Hello blog !

    I haven't posted in two days , I know (daily blogging huh) . But I have my reasons .
    I don't know how but I've managed to hurt my hand very badly to the point that I couldn't even move it for two days .

    Luckily today I got a bit better so I decieded to post a little something to keep my blog alive . And as you alredy know I chose to post twenty  fact about me (interesting  ).

    So here it goes :

    1- I live in Morocco (shocker right ? )

    2- I love love love short hair butI don't think it will look good on me.

    3-  I have something called high sensitivity ( I'll talk about in detail in an upcoming post).

    4- The first destination on my must-visit list is Australia.

    5- Coffee is love , Coffee is life (If you know what I mean ).

    6- I obsess about Tv shows like there is no tomorrow . Glee ,OITNB , orphan black , 2 broke girls ...       (the list is infinite )
    7- Blue is not only my favourite colour it's the warmest *wink*

    8- The smell of a forest in the rain is like heaven to my nose .

    9-  I'm mostly the person who will be found saying "It'll be just fine" in hard situations.

    10- The three places I want to live in are NYC , brighton and basically anywhere in Greece.

    11- Another obsession of mine : YOUTUBE . I start my day watching youtubers and I finish it watching youtubers and I ain't even mad about it .

    12- I study English lit at university, this is my second year.

    13- I love cooking.

    14- I am a sucker for romantic comedies. (what a cliché )

    15- I'm always down for a movie musical marathon , always .

    16- I'm a feminist .

    17- My passion is anything to do with books ... I long to be a writer.

    18- I've always been a little bit of a tomboy.

    19- I love Janis Joplin.

    20- I write poetry and I'd love to perform slam poetry/open mic.

    Those were the twenty facts , I hope you enjoyed knowing a little bit about me .
    Anyway that's it for today . I hope you have a pleasant morning/ afternoon or evening where ever you are .

    Don't forget to follow me on bloglovin' or subscribe by e-mail  the link is in the get updated section  .

    Remember to do more of what makes you happy and I'll see you next time .


    Wednesday, 8 October 2014

    Look who's back

    Wednesday, 8 October 2014
    Hello Blog ,


    As I mentioned in a previous post, I went on a little holiday with family for the last three days which was absolutely amazing  .I got to meet a bunch of family members I haven't seen in ages, talk to everyone and have a good time away from the internet, which is always a good thing .

    Don't get me wrong I enjoy being online , whether  I'm chatting with friends , blogging or simply just reading a random article.But sometimes you just need a break to go out, get some fresh air and maybe just maybe socialize (even though that can be quite hard ) .

    Because of the so called break I took I had a lot of catching up to do.Of course the first thing I did was to go and watch the latest vlogs and main channel  videos of my favourite youtubers -Which has become quite the addiction I confess - .Then it was tumblr & bloglovin time which lasted for long three hours , in which I was very overwhelmed by all the new articles I was reading .

    But the thing the really caught my attention was  one particular picture from the blog Who needs feminism ?  which I will post below that says an I quote " I NEED FEMINISM  because I'm sick and tired of being told that feminism doesn't matter and that it doesn't affect me because I'm only 16
    Feminism matters to everyone,whether they like it or not,and I want to make sure that people realise just how it affects others "

    Even though I am not  16 anymore -by the way I'm almost 18 - I immediatly related to this person .
    Whenever I talk about feminism , sexism, sexual assault or anything related to the subject matter with my classmates and friends ,they all look at me like I'm some kind of weirdo who is talking nonsense . They always ask me why am I so passionate about something so very hated by people , something that -from their point of view- doesn't really concern me , something I don't relate to .
    It doesn't matter how much I explain they never even try to understand . 
    To be honest this subject isn't even debatable for them . they are so influenced by the moroccan culture that they don't even think anymore. Which kind of lead me not to mention it to some anymore. Some I cut off my life ,sadly, because I do not need any toxic friendships .

    Let's not get caught up with this entire "Feminism" thing .Because if I keep writing, this will be a very very long post ,but  I'll definetly be leaving it to a future blog post . 

    Anyway this is it for today . I hope you all have a pleasant morning / aftenoon or evening where ever you are  . 

    If you want to be updates everytime I post on here follow me on  Bloglovin'   Or subscribe by e-mail the link is on my wall .

    Don't forget to do more of what makes you happy and I'll see you next time.


    Monday, 6 October 2014

    A 2 day get away !

    Monday, 6 October 2014
    Hello blog !
    I'm gonna be away for the next two days , which means I'mnot gonna be able to blog . But as soon as I come back I promise I'll blog daily . I couldn't be more unhappy not to blog but I realy need this little vacation before uni starts

     See you soon blog !

    Have a nice day everyone 

    Sunday, 5 October 2014

    Sunday, 5 October 2014
    Sometimes things are tough but look at this bunny

    You are loved

    Khaoula. A

    Thursday, 2 October 2014

    How I met my soulmate ...

    Thursday, 2 October 2014
    Hello blog .

    Today I'm going to tell you the story of how I met my best friend . So here it goes , exactly one year ago on October the second 2013 I got a Facebook  message from a guy named Mohamad Kyalie.
    It said and I quote "Can we be friends , we are so similar " . I was quite intrigued to know who is this guy and why are we alike .So the first thing I did was go check our mutual friends and to my surprise they were two Darren Criss & Chris Colfer fan accounts . Since I'm a huge gleek I immediatly accepted the facebook invitation and started talking to him .

    Message after message I found myself getting closer to this guy  and I realized that we  were practicaly the same . A couple of days later we skyped for the first time and I never thought that I would be so nervous and so excited at the same time  to talk to somebody . And then it just happened we clicked instantly and I felt like I have known him for ages  .

    We both had the same obsessions , liked the same kinds of music , movies  ,tv shows  and most importantly had the same dreams . It was a that moment when I just knew this person is my soulmate .

    After weeks and weeks of talking I made him this simple little thing :

    You see I'm not the type of person who lets people in very easily or at all for that matter .That's why I was very surpised of how in matter of months mohamad has become more close to me then people I knew for years and years . But the problem was that he lived in Syria which is 4000 miles away from Morocco . which means meeting him is one of the hardest things ever . Add to that that  Syria is in war at the moments so going there or even sending things in the mail is impossible. 

    But that's okay because no matter how far we are he'll always be the bestest friend I have ever had . one of these days we will get the chance to meet face to face and catch up with everything . And make all our dreams come true TOGETHER . All I want to say is Mohamad if you're reading this I love you so freaking much , I hope we  stay in each other's life forever . And know that even though we don't talk that much because of everything that's happening nothing will ever get between the two of us .

    So to end this , I just want to let everyone know that meeting people online and getting to know them is not a bad thing at all. Just be careful about who you are talking to and how much information you share on the internet .

    Have a nice day everyone 


    Bloglovin', Bloglovin', Bloglovin' ...

    Hello blog !

                   So yesterday I was going through my e-mail when I came across one from bloglovin'. And that was one of the best thing that happened to my blog so far .

    Let me explain  . I signed up to bloglovin' a while ago but I never really understood how it worked until yesterday . I clicked one a link which redicted me to my profile on the site,I claimed my blog and then it all made perfect sense .

    I followed blogs that I liked , got introduced to the blogging community  and learned loads of new things from how to manage your blog to how to decorate your bedroom walls  .Let's just say that this site opened my eyes on plenty of opportunities and ways to emprove my blog  . I'm pretty sure I'm gonna be spending a lot of time on there .

                                                                         Khaoula .A

    Wednesday, 1 October 2014

    Wednesday, 1 October 2014

    "As if you were fire from within
    The moon lives in the lining of your skin"
    -Pablo Neruda

    Have a nice day everyone !

    Khaoula. A

    The life of an introvert. © 2014