Sunday 11 January 2015

What's up 2015

Sunday 11 January 2015
Hello blog ,

2015 is here and I'm back. I couldn't post as regularly because I was extremely busy with finals. But now that they're over ,I'm back to regular posting.

2014 is over,looking back I think it was an okay year for me. One year ago I wouldn't even  dare to imagine being the person I am today, but look at me now.

2014 was a year of exploring and trying new things  , being more honest to myself and taking risks . It honestly changed me a lot , or should I say I changed me a lot.

But now it's over .And as I say goodbye to this crazy year I say goodbye to a lot of failed relationships , bad memories , toxic people and bad decisions. But at the same time  say hello to a fresh new exciting 365 days.

I don't know what they are  holding for me but I'm ready to make the most of each and every one.
As always guys , remember to stay positive and do more of what makes you happy.


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